Romance Boutique Secrets

- 5-rod waistcoat
- Ideal for shaping and reducing abdomen and waist instantly. Its constant use (3 to 6 months) gives permanent results.
- It supports your back allowing you to have a good posture.
- Helps conceal back fat
- Indicated for use after pregnancy or liposuction as it helps to accommodate the organs and firm up the tissues.
- Ideal for daily use.
- Made with durable, highly resistant materials, being soft and comfortable as well.
- The rods adapt to your figure shaping your torso without hurting it.
It helps to close the ribs after pregnancy, or due to constant weight changes or genetics.
- Varillas internas flexibles que se ajustan cómodamente a tu piel
- Alta compresión
- Doble refuerzo abdominal
- Cierre semi invisible y abrochadura espaciada interna
- Estiliza la cintura y abdomen
- Costuras planas que no se notan en la ropa
- Tejido interno que evita hongos y bacterias
- Cubrimiento interno en lycra con tacto frio y micro cápsulas con aloe vera que humecta y da suavidad a tu piel
- Te ayudara a sentirte más fresca y cómoda
- Sistema de cierre semi invisible lateral y broches internos