Improve the result of your liposculpture with our Premium Post-surgery fajas.

Seeing yourself beautiful, with the body of a goddess and feeling good about yourself is possible thanks to liposculpture. Recovering that figure that attracts attention only requires a little care after a surgery of this magnitude. For this, post-surgery fajas will help you, so we are going to talk about this important garment.
Take care of your liposculpture with a good girdle
In the world of aesthetics, liposculpture helps remove those fatty deposits that appear on your skin. To reach this objective, a post-surgery faja or containment girdle is necessary. It is an elastic garment made of synthetic material designed to press certain areas.
It is indicated to help you in your recovery after the intervention and to facilitate the new molding of your body. The girdle presses the skin reducing inflammation and the appearance of bruises. Its right use improves circulation and facilitates the healing of the areas where your doctor intervened.
Importance of post-surgery fajas after a liposculpture
When you experience liposculpture you will not see the results immediately, the recovery period is important. Consequently, the postoperative phase is crucial if you want to recover that dream figure.
The usage of the faja speeds up the healing process of the intervened zones. Its importance lies in that it prevents the possible complications derived from this kind of surgery.
The design of the girdle together with the synthetic material exerts pressure, reducing the appearance of ugly bruises. It also prevents the skin from becoming inflamed and unsightly edema from appearing.
The girdles make the dressings stay in place, correctly protecting the wounds. In this way, the process develops naturally, preventing possible infections.
Benefits of wearing a faja
After a liposculpture you must recover your mobility, the post-surgery faja provides you with the support you need. With it, you will maintain the proper posture and help replenish the tissues while you recover. It also allows you to:
- Facilitate your movements. The phase that follows after liposculpture reduces your movements and some pain and inflammation appear. The girdle will allow you to move better and do your routine activities with minimal discomfort.
- Reduce bruising. When the abdomen part has been operated on, lumps may appear. Using the right girdle, according to your doctor's instructions, you can avoid it. He will tell you the exact time of use.
- Maintain elasticity. As you age, the elasticity of your skin decreases and sagging areas may remain. A good postoperative girdle helps you minimize this effect by controlling the areas that shrink.
- Ensuring the expected result. By choosing the appropriate and high-quality girdle, you help prevent lumps from forming on your skin.
As you can see, choosing the right girdle is key in many important ways.
Why you must use fajas?
After a liposculpture, the dressings must remain correctly in place. With this, you will be able to diminish the risk of infections that can ruin the entire procedure.
Keeping this in mind is essential so that your recovery is easier and in fewer days. We know you want to show off that new figure as soon as possible! However, you must give the scars time to heal and become unnoticeable.
The use of the girdle allows you all that, in addition to being able to move better and without pain during this phase. It also makes the skin recover its smoothness and natural elasticity satisfactorily.
The important thing is comfort so that you can recover in the shortest possible time. But you must follow your doctor's instructions. Think about this when you choose your swimsuit and plan that sunny trip to the beach.
Which faja should you look for?
Maintaining a slim and beautiful figure with 360 liposculpture is the dream of all of us. For this reason, once the operation is finished, the appropriate girdle is the one manufactured for this purpose, not a sports girdle.
Post-surgery fajas are designed with special technology and materials that prevent damage to the skin. The girdle indicated by your surgeon will provide better compression to the operated area and will give you a lot of comfort.
Do not try to change your recommended post-operative faja for others of a sports type. Its materials are not designed for that use, they are less firm and do not provide complete elasticity.
How much time do you have to use the faja?
Everything will depend largely on how your recovery is after having liposculpture. The minimum time of use is between one and three months, depending on the doctor's recommendation.
The first 6 weeks are crucial in recovery, if you stop using it in that period you will suffer from inflammation. You have to use it 24 hours in these first days, removing it only to shower and in the following medical consultations.
Over time, its use decreases until you only need to wear it for a few hours. Another influencing factor has to do with your skin type and its characteristics. Here's how to use it correctly.
Tips for putting on a faja
Here are some tips to use a faja correctly:
- Before putting it on, make sure it is straight.
- Pay close attention to where the lines are.
- Your underwear must go outside.
- The girdle must be completely attached to your body, neither too tight nor too loose.
- It is recommended to use a padded cummerbund over the girdle if you are going to be sitting for a long time.
- To avoid discomfort in the armpit area you can place small pieces of gauze. Also, in the groin area.
Trust The Process
Nobody said it would be easy, and it is known that wearing a girdle for a long time generates annoyance. But it's worth it because it's about your health! You just have to be patient and heed medical advice. In this way, you will achieve the body and figure you want, feeling full for many years thanks to the liposculpture.
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